Kenneth Creative Writing 2004

It was a dark and stormy night, and usually all was quiet in the dark. However, on this night the darkness was not quiet. This night was... different. This night... was where the story would begin, and our hero would awaken to the beckoning call of his destiny.  This story may not be what you expected, but who really knows who they are until they cannot write their story anymore. This night was the beginning of something great, and something strange. All other nights will always be compared to this one, and no other.

Our hero starts out as stated before, on a night to be remembered. Right at the time of his birth he was different. Different... but special.  His mother felt an extraordinarily strong "bond" with him. It was as if she could sense when he was in danger, and he would always be there expecting her. She never worried for her son seeing that she could sense when something was going to happen to him. It seemed that he found his way into trouble at all hours of the day. Even when he would be sleeping, but when she would sense her sons misfortune and return to the room in which she laid him down to sleep, he would be there waiting for her... expecting her.

Our hero's mother had the same knack for misfortune that she passed to her son.  Apparently ridding herself of the horrible curse. When she was reaching the age of ten she often times found herself amidst the scum of the city in the slums. No matter how hard she tried she could never remember how she got there. Normally she would escape with her life and found out that the destiny that was chosen for her was not her own. She had been chosen to be the hero for her time, and denied it. When one denies their destiny, that destiny will be passed on to their child, giving them a choice. A choice... often times wasted due to the lack of understanding for the gift offered. So was her son given this choice? Would he realize it and make a conscience decision to change his life? One can  only hope.

A woman with a son and a whole life ahead of them both, shouldn't be wasted.  Should a person that cares about another be willing to give themselves for that one person under dire circumstances? That is yet another decision someone will have to make in this story .

When someone chooses their destiny, they are often not old enough to realize the importance of their decision. So they choose, and think that that's the way it is and it isn't going to change. It's a shame no one can remember the time that they spend, and decide their choice. Too young... too feeble minded. It would never be.

On the day that closes the cover to the kindest story ever written something terrible must occur. Something terrible must happen before we can come to a close. A death, a disaster, a terrible tragedy... something must always happen. No matter how wrong it might seem, stories aren't always written the way we want them to be.

This story ends with a death. The death of one so noble and one so true. Our hero, the one we hoped to live pass and beyond this story's end, must die. He must die because it was his will. It was his choice to die. However, it would not be in vain. Because of his heroism passed down by his mother, he was aware of his conscience decision. He made a choice, and with his decision came the effects.  What truly makes him the hero of this story is that it was he that deliberately took away his mothers curse. Every scream, cry, and urgent gesture for help was his only way to keep his mother from the possible fatalities that always awaited her on the very next page of her story. She'd go to him and remove him from danger while he was saving her. This bond could never be broken until the end when their curse would end with his death.

A hero truly sincere and benevolent that could never be completely understood in words from a child. The only way from anyone to know of the loss, and the gift, is in the form of a story such as this.

Now you leave here with not only a story, but with a new point of view and a mind set. Just think from now on... whenever you are going out of your way to help someone, they could also be the ones helping you. Take life as it is and enjoy it. You never know when it will be your turn to follow your destiny and save a life.

   Kenneth V. F. Fulton III      



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